Another rainy day leads us back to Badenweiler to trek through wet streets and window shopping. We returned to our now favorite Cafe Grether where good kaffee and fresh homemade cakes are the specialty. Today was our third visit, and our third cake to try. We had a chocolate cherry tart. After sampling their candies on our last visit, I knew exactly which were my favorites, and made sure to stock up on candied fruit and champagne truffles.

I'm inspired by this simple, classy cafe, and hope someday to be able to create confections that rival their creations. Luke said the founder of Starbucks was also inspired by the European cafes he visited, but what he found enticing was the atmosphere and tranquility. Cafes here are an oasis from the hurry of daily life. Once you sit down to enjoy your coffee with friends or a good book, you're entitled to stay all day if you wish. That's a sweet welcome if you ask me.
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